Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Instant Orgy - Mondopiece Theatre
2020 brings you one last gift of unparalleled crap -- a comedy review of the Barry Mahon nudie cutie short Instant Orgy. A favorite for anybody with a wood panelling fetish.
Thursday, December 24, 2020
10 Not Dressed for the Weather Christmas Pin-Ups - Mondopiece Theatre
It's a Christmas top 10 list, full of the requisite questionable snowmen and even more questionable pin-up staging, all wrapped up under your fire-hazard Christmas tree with a bow of snark!
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Christmas Junk, Part 4
A Merry Christmas, for about another 4 seconds and 10 feet until the pile of sharp branches at the bottom of the ravine -- not that big of a deal, it's 1850 and half you will be dead by year's end from typhoid, anyway!
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Christmas Junk, Part 3
When it's time to wrap presents, I also get out my 12 foot candy cane poles, strip down to my flocked panties, and tie up my right hand with a Santa mask. For some reason, I suck at wrapping.
Friday, December 18, 2020
Another Random Ye Old Christmas Card
As it turns out, the magic hat that brought Frosty to life was originally owned by a really pervy old guy.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
The Batwoman - Mondopiece Theatre
Today's comedy review -- after years of the worst of the worst -- is finally a big-budget major studio blockbuster: The Batwoman! Please conveniently ignore the subtitles and wrestling, it's a big budget studio blockbuster. Trust me.
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Ye Olde Random Christmas Card
Dear Granddaughter, who looks like she's 7 going on 43, here's a gaggle of feral cats and poisonous berries. Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Deck The Halls
Your Christmas playlist suddenly becomes a bit more rock and a bit more full of ringing bells (ok, probably already had a lot of that!). Here's my little holiday present for you -- an original rock version of Deck the Halls!
10 Wacky Thanksgiving Pin-Ups - Mondopiece Theatre
What, more clickbait listicles? What, are they easy to produce or something? Am I too busy to entertain my massive YT fanbase? Maybe! But while you ponder that, here's some strange Thanksgiving Pin-Ups!
Hosts of Halloween
A original metal instrumental tribute to some of my friends in the Horror Hosting and adjacent businesses! Happy Halloween! @HomicidalKaci @HomicidalKaci @HorrorAddictsTV @BeaucoupAskew @MondoCreepy @TheHorrorGuru @ScreamingSoup1
[solo - me!] @ggadwa @GIRLYgrindhouse @SludgeCentral @DinosaurDracula
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