Sunday, October 30, 2022

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 29

This is the first Ben Cooper costume I've seen with (1) also a pajama and (2) missing the flame-retardant line.  That's ... not a good combination!

Friday, October 28, 2022

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 28


I am a fearsome cat!  Beware my fangs, which are conveniently located somewhere below my actual mouth.  ROAR!

House on Bare Mountain - Mondopiece Theatre

 Watch on YouTube:

Halloween season concludes with the scariest, hairiest, most frightening movie every made, and is not, I repeat, not, a bait and switch. There is a werewolf. Not a good one, but one.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 25


It's nice of Ben Cooper to give you a star to aim for when punching this demon clown in the schnoz!

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 23

"Web Woman is a television series that originally aired as part of Tarzan and the Super 7 by Filmation. Web Woman is the alias of Kelly Webster." There, now you know. What next, Ben Cooper, the Galaxy Trio?

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 22

 Mom!  MOM!  I want to be chattering sunburnt clown pirate being eaten by The Rolling Stones logo!

Friday, October 21, 2022

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 19


Mr. Coconut Head Attacks the Big Foot Family was my least favorite 50s b-movie.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Monday, October 17, 2022

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 17

The smock says "fearsome vampire Frankenstein" but the mask says "grumpy Frankenstein."  Not sure which is worse.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

VTuber - Your Final Answer

Your Final Answer returns as shorts, the same silliness in a different aspect ratio!

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 16

Did the Sour Grapes get a hold of this packaging?  Will I continue to make jokes nobody will get?  So many questions this Halloween season!

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Friday, October 14, 2022

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 14

The Reaper's younger brother Gerry, who likes Strawberry Jam a bit too much.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 11

Ben Cooper with a timely mask: What our eye bags look like after living through the last 4-5 years.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Return of the Beast of Terror - Mondopiece Theatre

Watch on YouTube:

The 2022 Halloween Season begins with a shot-on-video amateur horror film about the nightmare of dental x-rays turning somebody into a radioactive mutant who falls off a roof but then gets up again to return to do more terror. Probably. That's the impression I got!

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 10

Jaundice Space Alien Cat was always a hit with the kids!

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 9

I appreciate that Ben Cooper had a line of "possessed by Kandarian demon" costumes.  SWALLOW YOUR SOUL!

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 8

Ben Cooper had a loose definition of "TV Hero" and an even looser definition of "terrifying mop-haired she-demon from the black nether realms."

Friday, October 7, 2022

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 7

 Never before has screaming the song "Because I Love Trash" been so spot on.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 6


Somebody needs the Rescue from Botched Cosmetic Surgery Team, also, the firefighter being on fire is probably not something this team wants on their resume.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 5

Finally, we've gotten into the Ben Cooper sexy costumes, with the YIKES yellow-hued, slant-eyed Dragon Lady.  Ben Cooper gives on one hand, takes away with the other!

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 4


Disney's Jim Henson's Pirates of the Caribbean Babies™ was a bad idea for a show, all around.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 2

I must have missed the season of The Bionic Woman where they gave her bionic lashes, bionic face lengthening, and bionic heat rash.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Ranking Ben Cooper - Day 1

This looks less like he's preparing himself for a life and death battle with Cobra and more like he's worried about where the near mortgage payment is coming from.

Welcome to the 2022 Halloween Season!


Sex Madness - Mondopiece Theatre

Today's comedy review is a 1938 scare film that builds a case that if you dare to stray even a millimeter from the beaten path you're going to get beaten by everything the universe can throw at you. It's the feel good picture of the year!

Carnival of Blood - Mondopiece Theatre

Today's comedy review is Carnival of Blood, from the same people that did Curse of the Headless Horseman, and also a couple of the plagues of Egypt. Featuring a sound track that will strip barnacles from the Titanic. 

Thumbnail by @DellDracula

Saturday, September 3, 2022

La Venganza de los Punks - Mondopiece Theatre

Watch on YouTube:

We've got new digs but the same old crappy movies! This week's comedy review is a Mexican revenge film that doesn't skimp on the bloodshed, fabulous hair styles or sparkly accessories!

Friday, September 2, 2022

This is How it Feels - Cerne Giant

Remix of the Cerne Giant song "This is How it Feels." Instruments by Brian Barnes, lyrics and vocal melodies by Russ Barnes. Enjoy and please spread the word if you like it!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Rosie - Mondopiece Theatre

 Watch on YouTube:

On Mondopiece Theatre, we make fun of the worst of the worst exploitation movies, but as it turns out, we should have been doing failed TV pilots instead. That is where the real horror lies!

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Gentlemen Prefer Nature Girls - Mondopiece Theatre

Watch on YouTube:

Season 6 roars in with the Queen of Exploitation, Doris Wishman, and her ultimate, everlasting companions: nude volleyball footage, pencil-thin mustaches, and the complete inability to understand how human speech works.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Bar Song - Cerne Giant

A remix of "Bar Song" from the Cerne Giant album "Songs We Never Learned to Play." Instruments by Brian Barnes, lyrics and vocal melodies by Russ Barnes. Enjoy and please spread the word if you like it!
I could be nice in a world like this
can you believe that nobody loves me
make a girl swoon with a movie-star kiss
can’t understand why nobody loves me
I dance the tango like Fred Astaire
can you believe that nobody loves me
I got charisma and savoir-faire
I just want someone to love me
nobody loves me and it feels so bad
nobody loves me and it makes me sad
everything I have I’m willing to share
can you believe that nobody loves me
come on rapunzel let down your hair
can’t understand why nobody loves me
bring back medieval days of chivalry
can you believe that nobody loves me
someone to just belong to only me
I just want someone to love me
If I could go to a party, invite me please
maybe I can find someone to fall in love with me
I sit at the bar and wait, never saying a word
hoping that my crying heart will somehow be heard
but I’ll never hear another not so much as a breath
keeping up a smile as I drink myself to death
swallowing depression ’till all hope is gone
becoming more and more indignant as the night goes on
until I’m losing all control telling secrets best untold
who cares? no one gives a damn words too slurred to understand
cop a feel, call the cops slap my face, it makes me hot
why are you running away?
I’m sorry i’m an ex-contestant of the dating game
can you believe that nobody loves me
love connection ended up the same
can’t understand why nobody loves me
I can’t believe this search is such an ordeal
can you believe that nobody loves me
to find one girl to do my laundry and meals
I just want someone to love me

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Keyholes are for Peeping - Mondopiece Theatre


Season 5 ends with a comedy review of Doris Wishman's Keyholes are for Peeping, a film that seems to fail at its central concept of keyhole peeping, but makes up for it with the most grating leading man ever. None of this is something we should be using as a season finale!

Up on the Housetop

Watch on YouTube

Here's a Christmas treat, a re-mix of "Up on the Housetop" that I did for a very early episode of Monodpiece Theatre, still metal, still me screaming at the top of my lungs! Enjoy! Merry Christmas and thanks for watching!