Thursday, July 20, 2017

She Freak - Mondopiece Theatre

Special guest The Horror Guru and Horror Addicts help me get through the Freaks rip-off She Freak.  Featuring many grueling hours of carnival footage, punctuated by more carnival footage, with an interlude of carnival footage.  This week's song is a little metal number!

Horror Guru:
Horror Addicts:

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Wild Gals of the Naked West - Mondopiece Theatre

Today's film is a startling look at hygiene standards of the old west.  At least I think it is, women take a lot of baths in this film!  Directed by Russ Meyer -- oh, that explains it.  Also: an ape.  Don't ask.  There's no answer.  Today's original song is a pseudo-country ditty!